My friend’s 11-year-old daughter was struggling with the idea of social distancing...
April 2, 2020
My friend’s 11-year-old daughter was struggling with the idea of social distancing recently and acting out as most kids are – in confusion and frustration. She looked at her mother and very sternly said, “I’ve never lived through something like this before!” My friend replied, “Neither have I, honey.”
I had an editorial for our first Sports Issue all ready to go before this pandemic hit. It was about my kids, and sports and their wonderful coaches, etc. But all that seems irrelevant and, frankly, even a bit trivial in this current climate.
COVID-19. Social distancing. Homeschooling. Working remotely. Travel plans canceled. Airlines refusing to honor refunds (even with travel insurance). Job concerns. Money concerns. Health concerns. Postponed proms. Sports seasons cancelled. A lack of toilet paper and bleach.
The list goes on. I’m not going to pretend to know what’s actually happening in the world right now. And I’m not going to pretend I know what to do. But I do want to try and help.
Montana Parent went exclusively digital this month to do our part in helping reduce the human contact between our printers, truck drivers, delivery people, staff and families. We were swayed to do this, not only to help practice social distancing, but also by the fact that if people are doing what they should be doing – staying home – no one would be out and about to pick up a physical copy of the magazine.
With that said, PLEASE stay home. If you think working remotely and homeschooling in tandem is difficult...please imagine what summer will look like if we haven’t done our part to contain this virus and are still
advised to social distance. Yup, somewhat scarier than the 6 o’clock news.
This brings me to my next thought. This issue is all about sports – most of which have been canceled for the spring. So, what can we at Montana Parent do to help you during this time?
We will most likely be restructuring our plans for the next few issues and addressing topics like:
- Homeschooling help
- Keeping your kids physically active at home
- Art projects
- Meals kids can help with
- How to talk to your kids about COVID-19
- How to help your kids get through the boredom and frustration
- Updates from our advertisers on what local businesses are doing/offering
This is uncharted territory for everyone. We are here for our readers, our advertisers, our supporters, and our community. Reach out to us with ideas/suggestions/questions on Instagram and Facebook with your thoughts on what we can do to help. Above all, please stay home and please stay healthy.
With all of our best wishes,
Montana Parent