Why adults need to watch “13 Reasons Why”
May 04, 2017
Posted By: Shaunescy
Why adults need to watch “13 Reasons Why”
Your kids are going to watch it. Sure, maybe you forbid them from checking it out. Do you really think that’s going to stop them? They have access to Netflix away from you. They have access to the book. Their friends are watching it, so they’re hearing about it if nothing else. You can’t keep them from it, so watch it yourself so you know what it’s all about.
These things are happening in your kid’s school. Binge drinking, weed, bullying, sex, sexual assault, cutting, mental health issues, physical violence. These things and more are happening in high schools all over the country. Don’t put your head in the sand. This isn’t just TV drama. It’s real and you need to know about it.
Important issues are discussed. Kids need to know the warning signs of someone in crisis and what to do about it. They need to know these things happen, but help is available.
Teenagers deal with heavy things…and they often don’t have the tools to cope. Your kids are either dealing with some really big things or know friends who are. “13 Reasons Why” shows how quickly things can go so very badly for a person. Many teens don’t have the coping skills to deal with what happens to the fictional characters in the show on their own, let alone problems that occur in their own life or with their actual friends. Use it as a starting point to access where they are and help them build the skills needed to deal with hard stuff.
Your kids are going through some serious crap. Use this show to check in. Ask which character they relate to the most. Ask them if they know anyone like Hannah, Alex, Tony, Clay, etc. Ask what they would do in similar situations. Tell them stories of hard times you went through as a teen. Use it as a way to connect.
Kids can’t process this on their own. “13 Reasons Why” will make you uncomfortable. It will make you sad. It might even make you physically sick to your stomach. There are brutally graphic rape scenes. The suicide scene we all know coming is so much worse than you expect. You will be triggered, but you need to watch all of this so you can help your kids process it.
“13 Reasons Why” is hard to watch, but do it anyway. Then discuss it with the young people in your life. This show opens the doors to incredibly important conversations. Use it as a tool. It could be just the thing you need to make a real different in the life of a kid you care about.
Rachael Moshman, M.Ed. is a mom and freelance writer who lives in Florida with her husband, teenager, dog, cats and a mannequin named Vivian. Her work has been published on four continents and on numerous websites. She loves pizza, cupcakes, giraffes, Netflix and thrift shopping. She blogs at www.shrinkingmomster.com. She can be reached at rachaelmoshman@gmail.com.