What is Nonviolent Communication?
March 24, 2015
Posted By: Shaunescy
This image is from a blog called LOVING COMMUNITY, which I stumbled upon while trying to figure out the answer to my question. Wikipedia says this, "NVC is based on the idea that all human beings have the capacity for compassion and only resort to violence or behavior that harms others when they don't recognize more effective strategies for meeting needs."
That is a really hopeful point of view. Truly something that I hope to model for my children. That being said, I know that I can fall into cycles of communication that are less than great. I would never be a physically violent person, but I admit to having a sharp tongue at times. It usually happens when I am overtired, short on time and feel like I am addressing something that I've already addressed over and over again. Sound familiar? I imagine that every parent in the world feels the same way sometimes.
Ann Malabre is hosting a Nonviolent Communication workshop called, Using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to Build Beautiful Connections. The 2 day workshop designed for For Parents, Teachers, and Anyone Working With Kids will cover:
- Resolve conflict and hold multiple needs with confidence
- Manage frustration with insight, compassion and care
- Know when and how to say No with love
- Find connection and peace in difficult situations
- Increase ease and joy with what is present in each moment
I think we could all use a few more tools in our toolbox, don't you?
Ann is asking $150 per person or $250 for a couple, with an early bird price of $125/200 before March 27th to support her training and sustainability. If money is an obstacle, she flexible on price. Children over 10, who would enjoy being there, are welcome for no charge. Please email Ann directly at eamalabre@gmail.com for more details.