Got Glass?
May 10, 2018
Posted By: Shaunescy

Written by Tawnya Healy
Glass recycling is a hot topic in this area and the question, “Why don’t we recycle glass?” seems to be on repeat. If you have ever been around a group of people when this subject is broached, you know it stirs deep-seated passion.
When you choose to recycle glass, you use materials that have already been harvested from nature. When you make it from scratch, you need a whole host of mined products that need to be transported and then melted at high temperatures, which all require lots of energy.
Crushed glass can be used for road base, house foundations and French drains, however, our local ecosystem has a lot of aggregate, or rocks, and it is more economical than crushed glass.
Momentum Recycling in Utah recycles glass for insulation and they need our glass. Glass is a flat commodity, so there is no real return on it, which means we will have to charge a nominal fee to cover transportation and crushing costs.
We are proud to announce that beginning May 30, we will offer glass recycling. Bring it to us or sign up for curbside service with Gone Green or J&K.
We are excited about changing your emotional reaction of throwing glass in the trash from not so good, to really great.
• Keep glass separate from other recyclables
– it cannot go into single stream or comingled containers
• It must be free of liquid
• Porcelain, ceramics, mirrored glass and laminated glass are all trash.
Visit to learn about the Bayern Beer Bottle reuse program.
Tawnya Healy, marketing and sales liaison at
We Recycle Montana