The Pumpkin
October 28, 2011
Posted By: Shaunescy
Don't adjust your monitor. That pumpkin truly is pink. And I mean powder-puff, Hello Kitty, ballerina-tutu pink. I know it's late in the season to still be picking out pumpkins at Rocky Creek Farm, but the kids love driving the tractor and when you see the pumpkin , the one that inspires you like none other. . . it just doesn't matter that Halloween is only a couple of days away. I don't even know if I'll attempt to carve it. But I am going to save the seeds and try to grow a pinky-punkin patch!
I love Halloween and all the harvest time traditions. What traditions do you have for Halloween? Pumpkin carving, costume making, or a special place that you like to go trick-or-treating? Join the conversation. Enter a comment below and you will be registered to win a $25 gift Certificate from the Storm Castle Cafe! As always, Montana Parent promises to never share, sell or spam your email. The drawing will happen on Halloween!