Reach tourists and locals in The First Southwest Montana Family Travel Guide

March 28, 2018

Posted By: Shaunescy

A Montana Parent publication made widely available to families visiting southwest Montana and Yellowstone,

Memorial Day through Labor Day (May - Sept 2018)

According to the Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research, over 12 million nonresident visitors spent more than $3 billion in Montana in 2016.


With 10,000 print copies readily available, the Southwest Montana Family Travel Guide will be a go-to resource for families visiting southwest Montana and will help drive those dollars to your business.


The Southwest Montana Travel Guide will be available online and heavily promoted year-round. It will also be shared with our email contacts as well as our social media pages with sponsored boosts to reach 50k people in southwest Montana digitally.

If you would like to reach summer tourists and visitors,

purchase an ad in this exclusive seasonal resource by May 1st!



For deadlines, ad specs and pricing click here:

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