Taking Down the Crib
June 20, 2012
Posted By: Shaunescy
This picture doesn't look like much. Just some taken apart furniture in a storage closet, right?
This is a picture of a very beloved item in my home. These boards have been used single day of the past 6 years for safety and comfort by some of the people I the love most on this planet. And scratch that! Actually, these boards are hand me downs from one of my dearest friends. The first person to utilize these is now 11 years old.
I didn't know that taking apart the crib would take the breath right out of me, that I would chat with strangers in the grocery line about how fast it all goes by. Even with all the warnings and admonitions , tongue in cheek-or not, by every single person I met on the street with my new babies, I just did not know it.
Today, I knew it. My son is 6 years old and my daughter is 3. They are both in big kid beds. I need to up the ante on the fairy garden letters and learn how to make candy. Yikes!
Before I know it my son will be standing a foot taller than me, asking me to make a sandwich. Crap! I'd best learn him how to make his own dang sando, and soon! The girl child. . . she is a force. With her, my hopes are to train her powers in the right direction - so she can take over the world.
I tell them that I am in charge. If you ask my kids who the boss is, they will say, "Mommy is the boss." But you know as well as I do, I am not the boss. I may be the boss of the day to day stuff, but my job is to make them the bosses of themselves. They are well on their way.
At what moment did you realize that you are the facilitator and not in control of the universe?
best, bunnyfufu