Summer Lovin’

July 11, 2012

Posted By: Shaunescy

As the heat index nears mercurial proportions, we sweat, and realize we are in love. We are in love with the sun, and toes nestled in the grass, and heat on our faces. We are in love with summer and all that goes along with it.

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to be invited to a quaint event that if nothing else completely personifies "summer lovin'" to the nth degree - a summer wedding.

I love summer.

I love weddings.

I love summer weddings.

I love the fact a young (or not so young) couple is about to embark on one of life's most fantastic (if not challenging) journeys. A pledge to serve one another during our best, richest, and healthiest moments - as well as the other end of the spectrum.

It's also at these tender moments - when lives are dedicated to one another - that I not only fall more deeply in love with my husband of nearly 19 years, but I feel hopeful for all of humankind.

My heart runneth over with respect for this young couple who are already a mommy and daddy. They talk the talk, and this ceremony made it official that they now walk the walk. The husband and wife walk - as well as the family walk. While they sweated in their summer wedding finest, their darling children shared in the spotlight of love and commitment, while family and friends witnessed.

Congratulations Tim, Tiffany {and Alex and Alissa.} May your family continue to talk the talk and walk the walk.

Of love.

From this day forward...

Mother of three,  Katie Walters is the author of  An Authentic Life , a member of and is proudly invited to share within the pages of Montana Parent Magazine's website.

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