Southside Saturdays & Sola Cafe—The perfect combo for tomorrow!
May 17, 2014
Posted By: Shaunescy
Whew, it's been a week! So, what are you doing tomorrow? Can I make a suggestion?
Go out to breakfast at Sola and then hit the trails. My family loves to wander on the trails. Sourdough to Goldenstein is my preferred running loop, but the kids adore it too. Mainly because they get to throw rocks into the creek.
But make sure you are all chatty about it in line, because the fine folks at Sola make a donation to GVLT every time someone mentions they are using the trails that day. $1 for any breakfast or lunch per person will go to GVLT.
Check out Sola's full breakfast menu. It is delectable, very gluten free friendly and has some outstanding kids options. **click menu to enlarge**
I love Sola because of the food and because I can actually relax and eat it. They have two (2) super fun kids play zones. One is under the stairs and the traditional TeePee on the patio. A little birdy told me that the beloved TeePee will be back up on the patio as of this weekend.
All my best, BunnyFufu ~ The Housewife