Reading Moms
November 26, 2012
Posted By: Shaunescy
What do you advise? I am a big reader. It’s an addiction. And my kids are at an age that they can really get caught up in a longer story when I am reading aloud to them but I am really struggling with coming up with a list that both smart, well written and not scary.
Personally I loved reading the Harry Potter series and the classic, My Father’s Dragon is simply wonderful. They are wonderful books, fairy tales are always so multi-layered but they really spooked my kids.
Local author, Michele Corriel’s, Fairview Feline s is written for the 9-12 age group. Yet, it fits the bill to read to my kindergartener as he relates to the school setting. It’s smart and funny and has the right amount of suspense. The second book in the series, True Lies is an E-book and I am looking forward to reading that with him. Kids love technology and I am all for embracing anything that keeps their interest in the written word.
Wouldn't it be great to have a list of great books to read out loud to your kids?
So what do you say? What are your favs? Help another reading mama out!
All my best, Bunnyfufu