My Belly Has Two Buttons
January 19, 2017
Posted By: Shaunescy
Recently a mom reached out to us about the book she's written. Truly expressing what it is to be a Montana Parent, she saw a need and decided to fill it. We hope you enjoy reading a little bit about what this Montana Mom had to share with us. ~ MTP
"Hi, I am Meikele Lee, everyone calls me Kellee

I am the mother to 3 amazing kids ages 2,4 and 6yrs old. I am of the mind that if there isn't something you need then find a way to make it. That is how my children's book for kids with Feeding tubes became published.
My two youngest children both suffer from Dysphagia among other pediatric feeding issues and my youngest being less adaptable his became life threatening and 18 months ago he had a feeding tube surgically put in his tummy. He became one of over 100,000 "Tubies" in the United States.

With that many children and more before him and surely more to come you would think there would be a lot of children's books to help these amazing kids relate to those around them and feel less like an outsider. Well that isn't the case, as of 2013 there were only 5 books and 3 of them were more educational than for enjoyment.
I wrote a book and when I was strongly encouraged by friends and family to find a way to share it with others. I did. Being a Montana mom and wanting to "shop" local I found a publisher in Great Falls, Jesse Butler from Publishing our Children's Stories and we launched "My Belly Has Two Buttons" by Meikele Lee in August of 2016.
I would love to share this story with your magazine further and to let you know that the 7th annual Feeding tube awareness week is coming February 6-11th, 2017 and though I know there are quite a few children in Montana with Feeding tubes the size of the state makes it difficult to meet one. To date we've only met 2 others and education outside of the Tubie community is limited to none.
I feel its our job as parents of children with any special need to help pave the way to a "new normal" as much as possible. He is a photogenic little one and such a strong kid who has a long way to go before his feeding tube journey can be done."
ISBN-13 978-0997771312
ISBN-10 0997771313
Available on for $9.99 + shipping/Prime in paperback and ebook
In Helena, MT at two locations, Pipsqueaks and MT Book and Toy Co. as well for $9.99 in paperback
Facebook Author/Book Page :
Twitter: @MeikeleLee

Author Meikele Lee

Illustrator Rebecca Robertson
Professional photos were done by Mary Williams at
Feeding Tube Awareness Week information can be found at