Mommy on a Mission - Pure Barre

October 16, 2012

Posted By: Shaunescy

The Mommy on a Mission series began last spring with our Montana Parent - Runs Like a Girl- Couch to 5k. It has transformed into an ongoing profile of locally available fitness trends. In September, I spent time with Functional Form Pilates . I loved it so much that I began to feel a little bit less like a wimpy girl taking on a fitness challenge and more like an able chick who digs her workouts.

For October, I am profiling Pure Barre at Fit - located in one of the new storefronts that are part of the downtown parking garage. It is also a core workout, a little like Pilates on steroids - set to a driving beat. After my first hour long session of shaking like a bowl of jello and sweating like a pig to look like a princess ( see #8 on the PB faq page ), I was so whupped that I needed an extra 5 minutes and a water break to get to my car. I loved Pure Barre, too but it is not a workout for the faint of heart. Or wussy hamstrings.

This is my instructor:

This is me:

My friends have all kinds of suggestions and encouragement. My dear friend Regina recommended the Pure Barre class. She's one of those tall and fit and well-rounded people that you'd be a bit intimidated of if she wasn't as sincerely nice and polite as she is. Way beyond me in physical ability but since I am game she is a source of great encouragement.

The night before my first session she texted me to say she couldn't be there for moral support but she thought I should still go.

Me: Oh I am going! I haven't done anything all week and my body is pissed off.

R: You think your body is mad at you now? Just wait till after class tomorrow!

Me (full of bravery): Tee-hee, I am a little masochistic like that.

She checked in with me a few hours after class. Suggesting a bath and some aspirin might be in order. And sincerely, I had no pain until the next day. I was mainly weak and wobbly. After an hour at Pure Barre I felt like I'd been running for 2 hours minus the cardio. Here's our little dialog from the morning after.

Me: Frankenstein hammies.

R: Staggering around? So sorry.

Me: A bit like a robot but still smiling.

R: When are you going again little miss "I'm a bit of a masochist?" Sorry, I couldn't resist . . .

In my defense, I truly believe that attitude is everything. If you think that you can't do something your chances of making it happen are significantly diminished. If you think you can and you try real hard . . . and if you can laugh at yourself along the way not only are you more likely to succeed, you are more likely to enjoy it.

All my best, BunnyFufu

pure barre - bozeman

34 East Mendenhall St. ?#R-6?Bozeman, MT 59715

ph: 406-577-2918


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