Make your own coconut belly butter A ritual for connection, healing and finding yourself again

October 18, 2018

Posted By: Jessica Geary-Cecotti


I have been thinking a lot about rituals lately, mostly how I don’t have any, especially after having my daughter. I am not talking about the cult creepy rituals either; I am talking about the daily routines of self care. After having a baby, everything self care just seemed to disappear, my whole personhood turned into giving everything to my baby. It is exhausting and unsustainable. I know that if I take care of myself, I will be better able to take care of my daughter. It reminds me of flying on an airplane, and the safety instructions telling you to put YOUR oxygen mask on first, before you put one on anyone else. Logically, I know this, so why can’t I just put it into practice? I wonder, how can I care for myself, and create a ritual just for me, that is loving, kind and fills me with good energy. I remember during my pregnancy, I would sit on the floor and touch my growing belly. I would put coconut oil on my hands then slowly rub it on myself, while I talked to my daughter. I would sing to her, and laugh when she would kick back. I did this almost every day, it was my ritual. I want that again, except instead of connecting to my daughter, I want to connect back to myself and discover my new body.

Rituals are sacred routines that allow us to connect to ourselves. They ground us and set intentions. I believe rituals are about slowing down, and coming back to the present moment. Rituals help us experience a sense of wholeness. I believe they create space for us to explore ourselves in a safe and nurturing way, allowing energy to flow more freely, leaving room for abundance in all areas of our life.

After having Lillian, by body was left with stretch marks, and a large scar. Sometimes I see these as battle wounds, sometimes I can see them as beautiful maps of the life that I grew. For the most part they do not bother me, as I understand that they are a permanent part of my body now. Still, I need to care for my skin and I am doing this by massaging my own, handmade belly butter, over my stretch marks, and my scar. I encourage you to do this as well, and start this small ritual of self care.

Belly Butter is a wonderful way to avoid stretch marks if you do not want any during pregnancy, and a great way to nourish your skin after your pregnancy. You can rub it on your breasts, and your growing belly, taking the time to enjoy the growing life within and to feel the fullness of your belly and breasts. Afterwards, you can use your belly butter to begin to connect to your new postpartum body.

My belly postpartum is so different. It is so much softer, and squishy. When I rub in my coco butter I give thanks to my body for growing a healthy baby, and for surviving a traumatic birth. Touching my scar reminds me of a life saved. How do you give thanks to your postpartum body? I love the smell, the warmth, and the love I feel for myself. This coco oil belly butter is thick, and is a treat to use.

Here is how to make it:

½ cup cocoa butter

½ cup coconut oil

¼ cup apricot, almond, or grape see oil

20,000 IU of vitamin E oil

2 teaspoons grated beeswax

1 teaspoon lanolin

You can mix sweet scented essential oils in it as well. Pick your favorite. During my pregnancy, I loved rose and lavender.

Melt all the ingredients together, and place in a sealed dish.Rub the oil over the belly and breasts two to three times a day

to keep the skin healthy, and to eliminate stretch marks. This is very rich, and perfectly safe for you and your little one.

This is also a great oil to help heal scar tissue as well.

So how about it? Create a ritual for just you momma, start your self care routine and flourish during and after pregnancy. I know I will.


Rhianna Weaver is an herbalist, acupuncturist, and owner of Big Sky Fertility and Wellness in Bozeman Montana. She is also a mom and wife, lover of the outdoors, and a bookworm. You will usually catch her with a smile on her face, and a willingness to help with love and compassion. Feel free to reach out with any questions at 406-518-1887 or visit .

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