Interview with Frank Pipitone
April 05, 2016
Posted By: Shaunescy
Pipitone Law is one of our newest advertisers and when we were working on the magazine this month we found ourselves wondering about Frank and his practice. Hopefully this short interview will help you get a better understanding of what he does and if it could help you and your family.
What motivates you?
I am motivated by happy endings. In the area of "consumer protection law" and especially in "bankruptcy law," there is almost always a happy ending. I have witnessed the havoc that debt can wreak on people's lives. It creates serious emotional and physical strain that can be debilitating and lead to darkness. I love shining a light on that darkness by getting people out of debt and providing a fresh start financially. I love writing those happy endings.
Why did you get into this particular area of practice?
It was pure luck, landing my first legal job at a consumer protection law firm while still in law school. I realized early on that bankruptcy practice was quite different than other areas of law. The practice of law is typically extremely adversarial, fueled by the need to "win at all costs" for your client. While bankruptcy can be adversarial, there is usually cooperation and an established rapport between opposing parties. This creates a more peaceful environment where you can get to know your clients and truly focus on their individual needs.
What brings you to Montana?
First and foremost, I came to Montana to live a better life, be closer to nature and breathe the fresh mountain air. My two Sons live here in Bozeman with their Mom. She is from Bozeman and still has family here. After our separation, we decided to move to Montana to be closer to family and provide a better childhood for our boys.
What happens at and is there a fee for the initial consultation?
Any consultation with me is always free. In fact, I only charge a fee for work completed and conversations are always free. During the initial consultation I review your financial status. I look at your current financial state as well as all events leading up to the time you step in my office. We discuss and review all of your assets, liabilities, income and any extenuating circumstances causing your financial hardship. Once I have that information, I will typically be able to give a case assessment and determine the best course of action to protect you and get you out of debt. A typical consultation with me is usually 30 to 45 minutes.
Does meeting with you trigger any unforeseen action on the part of a family's creditors?
Meeting with me for a consultation does not change a family's status with their creditors. On the other hand, should someone decide to hire me, creditors are notified of the representation and I now serve as a shield between the creditor/collector and the struggling family. Once I am hired, creditors are barred (by law) from contacting and/or collecting from the borrowers and all communication must come through me. Furthermore, a bankruptcy filing offers an additional level of protection.
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