In Praise of the Mini Road Trip
March 18, 2014
Posted By: Shaunescy
Hi Friends! I hope you had a great Spring Break or are planning a fun one! It feels like this year has been so fast paced since school started in the fall. With the shorter time between Thanksgiving and Winter break, the tough mega-sub-zero temps we've had to weather and now flooding throughout the state from our rapid thaw . . . it's just been a little much.
Our extended family lives in other states and flying with a family of 4 can be expensive, but not only that, the thought of prepping and fully decamping for an extended number of days and then the piles of laundry to do upon return, does absolutely nothing to ease my stress.
Instead, we stayed home for most of the break. We read and watched a million cartoons and played outside in the puddles. And then we woke-up one morning and decided to take a mini-road trip.
Last year, MTP profiled the Staycation awesomeness of the Great Northern Town Center. And that is exactly what we did. The 90 minute drive is just long enough to put distance between everyday chores and worries and not so long that the kids would go stir crazy in the back seat.
Hubby and I are big fans of traveling around Montana and over the years we have had to settle for some pretty run down hotels. Sometimes, you just get what you get. BUT! We love the Best Western Premiere Hotel at the Great Northern Town Center. It is clean, has comfy beds, nice decor and a lovely pool and spa.
But what really makes it awesome, is that you just get there and park your car. The Fusion Grill is right next door. Grown-up food for the grown-ups and chicken fingers and cheese pizza for the kids.
The next day, you can ride the Carousel and let the kids run wild at ExplorationWorks! Science Center. Then it's time to go home.
Awesome, easy and refreshing. I just wanted to share this idea with you. Keep it in your back pocket, because you never know when you'll need to just drive away from the everyday with your family. This totally does the trick!
All my best, BunnyFufu ~ The Housewife