Grandma Shirley
April 12, 2012
Posted By: Shaunescy
There was a recipe request for Cabbage Rolls from Julie. Well, Julie here it is:
Cabbage Rolls
"Here is a cabbage roll recipe from a 1973 cookbook from the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. It is great and this book is full of recipes from parents of kids I grew up with." ~Shirley
Another reader requested ideas for how to include more veggies in their child's diet, Here's what the Bridge Club had to say:
"Shred carrots on peanut butter or cream cheese in a sandwich or between tortillas. And cut celery sticks and fill them with peanut butter."
What other suggestions do you have? Add your tips and tricks below. In this case, it really seems like it takes a village to get kids to eat more veggies. Montana Parent promises to never share, sell or spam your email. Leaving a comment below could win you a restaurant gift certificate!