Free Book Swap—June 13th in Bozeman —June 6th in Butte
May 27, 2015
Posted By: Shaunescy
The end of the school year is upon us and like all moms and dads of school aged kids, you are clearing out the old papers and books. We can't help you with the 3 trees-worth of homework that your kids have amassed, but we do have a solution for the books that they've loved but outgrown -- plus your own!
Join us on June 13th at the Gallatin Valley Mall for a free family book swap! Bring the books you have already read and swap for new summer reading material. Books for all ages! We will also have on hand a few local vendors for you to explore. Thanks to Barnes and Noble Books, Usborne Books, Growth Spurts Kids Consignment Store, the Gallatin Valley Mall and Montana Parent Magazine for sponsoring!
If you are in Butte, come to the Butte Depot on Sat June 6th. There will also be local vendors and businesses on hand to show you some great products and services! FREE chair massages too! Bring your family, friends and kids but leave the dogs home! Vendor space is available by registering at