fall planting

fall planting

September 26, 2011

Posted By: Shaunescy

Fall is here. We've had a couple of frosty mornings. Which is great because the crab apples on the tree are turning a really stellar red and a light frost is supposed to improve the taste of apples. It also means that it's time to clear out the garden. That always makes me a little sad. It was so bright and colorful just a couple of weeks ago.

As I was cleaning out the garden the other day, my kiddos kept busy by collecting treasures. Little shiny rocks, dried sunflower heads, cool-looking sticks and bits of bark. They loaded them up in their wagon and we found a comfy spot to sit for a little as they told me about what they'd found.

Before I really even thought about it we were building a fairy house. Which was really cool. I remembered doing it with my sisters when I was a kid. An added bonus is that while my garden is bare of veggies and flowers, it's now become an sweetly intriguing construction site.  Apparently, there is a whole posse of nature-architects in our community working to make sure that the fairies in our area are properly housed. Check out some local examples at:


This could be the start of something great.

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