Curious Critters Book Giveaway

November 11, 2011

Posted By: Shaunescy

Does your kid love nature? Do you love looking at great photography? Well, we have a book for you.

Curious Critters by David FitzSimmons is filled with gorgeous juicy up close and personal macro shots of critters. Animals that you would for sure like to see that close! This book is truly adorable and in this house at least, truly loved.

Filled with fun facts, the kids will learn:

  • What turtles and humans have in common
  • Why black swallowtail butterflies impersonate their toxic cousins
  • How Eastern box turtles can live longer than humans (over 150 years!)
  • If squirrels can fly
  • Why crayfish grow new legs
  • How bats find food
  • Why frogs sing
  • how jumping spiders jump and why they never have to look over their shoulders.

It truly is a delightful book. And we have one to giveaway. Just leave a comment below telling us what your kid's favorite animal is to register.  I'll announce the winner a week from today.


Author: David FitzSimmons

Suggested Retail: $19.95

ISBN: 978-193660769-3

Sample pages:

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