Climbing Camp Rocks!
June 28, 2013
Posted By: Shaunescy
Spire has youth programs throughout the year and summer camps available all summer long . One of my kids is finishing up the first session of "Monkey Mania" today. It has been a blast. I get happy shivers when he comes home talking about how he really likes bouldering or giving his little sister sage and experienced advice about letting go of fear and trusting the belay. I didn't know about bouldering or belays in grade school!
Long ago, before I became the housewife you see before you today, I spent many a summer camping and climbing. I liked playing with gravity. And I really liked the puzzle and dance of making my way up a wall or a crack, setting little challenges for myself - like successfully making it through a day at Smith Rock without getting myself into a position that caused 'sewing machine' leg. Some days were better than others.

So it was kind of emotional for me when I saw how my son's eyes lit up as he bounced around the padded floor of the gym on the first day. Not to mention the hug he gave me when he said, "Mom, Thank you so much for getting me into climbing camp."
He's my little hiking buddy and I thought to myself that climbing, or rather building that climbing relationship, with him would really be a dream. But sheesh, it's been 20 years. I don't remember how to tie a half hitch. My harness and shoes have long been sold on consignment at Play it Again.
And then, I saw this:
I'm doing it. Mom's going to climbing camp, too.