Best way to make Christmas Cookies with kids!

December 05, 2014

Posted By: Shaunescy

I love baking bread. I am good at that but really unskilled when it comes to sweets . Cakes, cookies, muffins.  It's all chemistry to me. Plus I hate cleaning up after. Between the sticky sugar sprinkles and frosting, and the impossible to remove food-dye stains. Sad to say, but this crafty mama just doesn't do a lot of decorated cookies.

And that is a shame.

On my daughter's Christmas wish list is an Easy-Bake Oven. In fact, there is an app for that. No kidding, she will make and decorate virtual cookies and cupcakes until I snatch my ipad away.

I didn't have one as a kid and I decided to ask my friends if this was "Blissful Baking Fun" ~or~ "C'mon lady, you know this is a nightmare toy?"

Turns out that this is a very polarizing toy. Apparently, it's not particularly Easy or convenient but it is some kind of quasi-nostalgic rite-of-passage item that people continue to feel bereft about well into adulthood.

A sampling of responses:

The Good:



All my best, BunnyFufu ~ The Housewife

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