Balance Over Spring Break

March 13, 2013

Posted By: Shaunescy

I am a rookie at this spring break thing. I didn't plan anything in a rigid way. We are not in Florida or at Disney. We may take an overnight trip somewhere, but for the moment we are footloose and fancy free.

But, it's Wednesday of SB 2013 and I don't know about you but I am alternately relaxing and running hard. I have forgotten about all the stuff I am able to get done around the house when we are not all here together. Which is almost harder than fighting the good fight to hit all of my marks in the business of a normal schedule.

So yes, I am still trying to maintain a level of tidiness that allows me to relax once the kids have gone to bed; keeping up on the dishes, making sure to make the beds on the way to the kitchen in the morning, grabbing a load of laundry in as I am passing through the house, I even mopped the floors. Yet there is so much that we want to do.

Spring skiing is great. With weather in the 40s even the smallest kid can stay out for a long time. Bowling is on the kid's list. As is hosting a play date. Not to mention the many cartoons they want to lazily watch on the couch in the morning.

With the warmer weather and the snow melting, we have a huge puddle in the driveway that the kids have been dying to jump in. Monday at noon, we put on all of our gear, boots-hats-snowpants and indulged in what we dubbed, "Mud-Puddle-Stomp 2013!!!" and had a blast. If you don't have your own front yard bog Click Here for interactive park maps.

I did also find a little time for myself this morning and went to Aerial Yoga . So stinkin' important to take care of yourself too! I had considered skipping class and then realized that it is all about balance, literally with a yoga practice but as a mom - the metaphorical balance is a necessity.

During the savasana meditation at the end of class I really heard my own good self talk about

how to find balance in my practice. Today that means that I am going to let laundry slide off the list, I will be ok with leaving my family to their own devices and I will engage in this necessary break from the routine. My kids are pooped and they need me to snuggle on the couch. I hear Dora calling.

Another very important part of balance? Laughing.

This will be me in 5 days.


All my best, Bunnyfufu

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