A Grandmother’s Experience—Books and Babies at BPL
April 25, 2014
Posted By: Shaunescy
Bozeman Public Library has so many kids programs. Click here to see for yourself! We just have to share this grandmother's happiness at being able to take her granddaughter to Books & Babies.
"On Thursdays I get to take Rosie to Books for Babies at the library. I really am fulfilling my dreams, because I used to yearn to go to storytime at the library when I'd hear the moms talk about it; and I always admired the grandmas like Leslie Costes ' mom and others, who were able to be very active in their grandchildrens' lives. Books for Babies is a fantastic program. 25 or so children from 3 mos. to age 2 (Rosie was the littlest one in the morning program) with their caregivers. About 1/3 of the caregivers are grandmas , and one grandpa. 15 minutes visiting time; 15-20 min. of singing & movement (SO FUN to have circle time with so many grownups adding their voices); then 30 min. to play with the big selection of balls, toys, and kitchen items that the librarian brings out. Rosie participates by watching like a hawk, so enamored of all the other kids that she's not much interested in the toys; so we walk around and look at what everybody is doing. So much fun" ~Shelley