2015 Christmas Stroll Gingerbread Contest Registration

The Christmas Stroll Gingerbread Contest has been a community tradition for over 20 years. We invite YOU to participate in this fun activity!

First, either visit www.dowtownbozeman.org , stop by the Downtown Partnership Office at 222 East Main, Suite 302 or the Sweet Pea Festival Office at 424 East Main, Suite 203B or email ellie@downtownbozeman.org for copies of the registration form and rules to participate.

Second, fill out the details on the registration form including your contact information and the age division you fall under. After completing the registration form, email ( ellie@downtownbozeman.org ) OR mail or deliver your registration form to the Downtown Bozeman Association Office at 222 East Main Street, Suite 302 Bozeman, MT 59715 by NO LATER than Friday, November 27, 2015 .

ALL Gingerbread House entries are due on Thursday, December 3 and must be delivered to Sweet Pea Festival volunteers at the Jacob’s Crossing Lobby at 424 East Main Street between noon and 6 p.m. ONLY.

Winners will be notified by telephone or email address provided on the registration form. Three winners will be chosen from each of the five divisions. Winners will receive a plaque for first, second and third place as well as Downtown Dollar prizes that can be used at any downtown business. Ribbons will also be awarded for all entries. Entries will be displayed by the Sweet Pea Festival at the Jacob’s Crossing Lobby at 424 East Main Street, December 4-7. Award plaques and ribbons donated by Personalize It. Please call 406-586-4008, or email ellie@downtownbozeman.org for questions and additional information.

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